It’s funny how there are some myths you know by heart, even if you can’t remember where you heard them…
Tips and Tricks
They tick all the boxes, parents and friends have been charmed, and you know the name of your future dog.…
Save MoneyTips and Tricks
27 Creative Ways To Trick Yourself To Save Money
by Money Bee February 1, 2018In an ideal world, we wouldn’t need any creative ways to save money. Because we’re all grown-ups who can definitely…
Financial FoundationsTips and Tricks
How To Automate Your Finances And Save Money in 3 Easy Steps
by Money Bee January 25, 2018Considering how much I enjoy talking about personal finance, I prefer to spend as little time as possible managing my…
BloggingSide HustlesTips and TricksWork From Home
How to Start a Blog in Less than 15 Minutes
by Money Bee January 4, 2018So you’ve decided to start a blog. Congratulations! Whether you’re looking for a way to share your expertise with others…
Save MoneyTips and Tricks
11 Incredible Ideas For You To Save Money And Save The Planet
by Money Bee December 2, 2017There’s a nice little consequence of living a budget-friendly life: without even noticing it, you’ll realise that your actions are…
Save MoneyTips and Tricks
7 Simple Strategies For Your Budget to Survive Black Friday
by Money Bee November 20, 2017Black Friday. The very words strike fear into the hearts of budgeters everywhere. But, luckily for you, there’s a way…
Save MoneySide HustlesTips and Tricks
12 Effortless Ways For You To Make Money While Shopping
by Money Bee November 18, 2017While I’m all for maximising your savings as much as possible, there are times when you just can’t avoid spending…
Tips and Tricks
9 Mind Tricks from Star Wars to Give Your Finances A New Hope
by Money Bee November 3, 2017A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… …every species from here to the end of the universe…
Save MoneyTips and Tricks
5 Ways to Smash Your Fitness Goals – For Free!
by Money Bee October 14, 2017In an ideal world, we would all wake up to the sounds of birds chirping and head out for an…